Win Infoway Blog
If you can learn something new every day, you can teach something new every day.

We live in the Mobile App Era. There are a host of app development tools available for developers. Android and iOS are the two most prominent operating systems and both have their own tools for developing apps. So if you are planning to have a mobile app for your business, creative
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Categories : Andriod, blog, Mobile Apps
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eCommerce Options Within WordPress Quick Intro on WordPress WordPress (WP) powers 30% of all websites, according to a W3Techs web survey. This represents a 5% increase over 2015. WP is a great platform that is easy to manage and customize for the specific needs of your business. You may
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Categories : blog, Open Source Customization, Wordpress
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Four features distinguish CMS from PHP frameworks. When creating a website for a business, making the customer understand these differences will facilitate website development and maintenance. CMS and PHP Frameworks: Defined CMS stands for Content Management System. As the name suggests, CMS gives you, as a business owner, the
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Categories : blog, PHP, Website Design & Development
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5 keypoints to consider when choosing a path for your web development With regard to rich Internet application technologies (RIA), it is possible to choose between two main paths: Ajax or Flash. There is not yet a final decision in the web development world as to which technology is superior to
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Categories : Ajax, blog, Website Design & Development
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Taking PHP Seriously
Slack uses PHP for most of its server-side application logic, which is an unusual choice these days. Why did we choose to build a new project in this language? Should you Most programmers who have only used PHP by chance know two things about it: that it is a bad
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Categories : blog, PHP, Website Design & Development
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Recent Blog
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