Win Infoway Blog
If you can learn something new every day, you can teach something new every day.
What is it: MySQL
MySQL is a database management system used by WordPress to store and retrieve all the information from your blog. Think of it this way. If your database is a workbook that WordPress uses to organize and store all of your website’s important data (publications, pages, images, etc.), MySQL is the
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Categories : blog, Database, Mysql
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Time is running out because extended support for SQL Server 2005 has ended. For users still on this version, this milestone means more fixes and security updates. In addition, you could also miss some very important benefits and cost your business more. By upgrading your SQL Server 2005 databases, you
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Categories : blog, Database, Sql Server 2005
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As of April 12, 2016, Microsoft will no longer support Microsoft SQL Server 2005. This means that Microsoft will no longer provide automatic fixes, security updates, or online technical support for this product. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 will still work for your business, but without the proper support, continuing to
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Categories : blog, Database, Sql Server 2005
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Artificial intelligence is disrupting business models in all industries! Due to some of its powerful features such as the power of autonomous and self-regulating systems, machine learning, deep learning, data analysis, etc. marketing and administration operations. Based on Statica’s knowledge, AI is expected to increase productivity by 40%, which will
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Categories : blog, Technology on Smart Devices
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Email marketing has been a priority for marketers since the 1990s. A few years later, B2B marketers discovered its value and email campaigns became an important tool for businesses at all stadiums and in all industries. Yet many marketers new to the field are wondering when to use email marketing.
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Categories : blog, Social Media Marketing
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Recent Blog
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