With the new technologies invented and the new features launched on social networks every other day, you need to update yourself on the latest marketing trends and find out what will work for you in the future.

By studying the trends from last year, we have listed the most important social media marketing trends for 2019.


  • Augmented reality

With the iPhone 8 and iPhone X, the doors to extraordinary augmented reality experiences have been opened.

This trend may initially start with mobile games, but it won’t be long before it is applied to social media platforms, with Snapchat already teaming up with Bitmoji to allow users to project animated versions of them- same in the real world.

Companies will be able to present their products in new ways to customers, such as how a certain piece of furniture fits into their living room, or a pair of sunglasses on their faces.


  • Instagram Stories

More than 50 million more people use Instagram stories than Snapchat, in just one year since the launch of Instagram stories. (Source: statista.com)

This means that almost 50% of all Instagram users will use Stories by the end of 2019. Brands can use this to their advantage by connecting with Instagram users by presenting their company culture, their processes, their collections, their diagrams, etc.

Stories not only allow you to add filters, tags and text, but also “polls”, “highlights” and “swipe up” have been introduced (for accounts with more than 10,000 subscribers ) to add links that otherwise could not be done on Instagram posts.


  • Chatbots for better CRM

Chatbots are useful for engaging with customers in real time. They effectively provide 24/7 services to customers. Chatbots are quicker than humans to respond and take requests.

53% of consumers aged 18 to 34 said they prefer to use electronic media – email, web chat, text or social media – rather than the phone for customer support

79% are frustrated with the available customer support options

31% said it was important that text was an available support option


  • Influence Marketing

Micro-influencers (accounts with thousands and millions of followers) can have an incredible reach.

Brands pay these influencers to promote their products. Studies show that influencer marketing offers 11 times the return on investment compared to traditional digital marketing, and 49% of people suggest that they depend on influencers for their buying decisions. (Source: impactbnd.com)

Companies like Ola and Amazon have used social media-based influencer marketing strategies to connect with new audiences and improve engagement with existing audiences.

Due to the difficulty of connecting with social media users via traditional advertisements, influencer marketing will play a key role in bridging the gap.


  • Best live broadcast

Live streaming helps brands stand out in crowded businesses, be a market leader, and provide a cost-effective method of communicating a message to thousands of people.

Today, brands – big and small – have started using live streaming to grab the attention of followers.

The importance of live streaming does not come from its popularity, but rather from the technology with which we do it which improves. With better phones and hardware, more accessible video recording and processing is possible.

In 2019, more brands will begin to harness the power of live streaming.

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