Originally released on June 30th 2009, PHP 5.3 became the standard architecture for some of the web’s largest and most successful sites. By 2010, PHP 5.3.x was the most popular version of PHP used across the internet. Compared to the previous versions (PHP 5.2 – released in 2006), PHP 5.3
If you are a provider of online learning courses, chances are that you know many design-related elements of those courses are Flash-intensive. This poses as a problem because Adobe Flash has retired. With the increase in demand for mobile learning and the fact that Flash content can’t run on mobile
In the world of web design, CSS layouts make use of style sheets to define the placement of elements on one’s website. It typically replaces tables, which are one of the most popular methods of placing page elements. There is currently a misconception that CSS layouts are unable to produce
Are you a web developer? Does the mere thought of opening a terminal window make your cringe? For the uninitiated ones, working with terminal commands during web development can be stressful, daunting, or downright annoying. However, true blue developers who know the ins and outs of the command line would
Are you planning to change your WordPress website theme? Well, you are in luck! WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems for building business websites and blogs. WordPress’s ecosystem is comprised of a wide variety of plugins and themes. Take a look inside and you will be